Monday, May 07, 2007

Visit with the Frew's!!!!

We got a blog comment from Niki Frew last week saying they would be in Atlanta for a week visiting Andy's parents. She realized that we are only a few hours away from Atlanta and asked if we would like to meet somewhere!! Too fun! Of course we would!! They called on Friday and said that they could drive all the way to our house and would arrive shortly after noon.
Andy's parents joined them and we had an awesome visit.
They honestly have the cutest kids and are expecting their third in the fall. We talked about everything under the sun but had a hard time going too far without a Barry Mansfield story. He always makes for the best stories.
For those of you who don't know, Andy was the first youth pastor at our church in Hope, after we came. He has moved on to much bigger things and is now a big-wig worship leader at Willingdon. He recently led worship for a pastor's conference with John Piper, Mark Driscoll, and Bruce Ware (I have NO idea who that last guy is, Jeff just told me his name!!)
Here's a link to Niki's blog and their church, as well as the area of the church where Andy spends his time - The FLuX.

Kaleb is sharing a secret with Rebecca, and I just have to tell you what it was. He is wearing Thomas the Train gonch!!! I'm not kidding. He actually proceeded to prove his secret but I won't embarass him entirely.

Our first house guests, and terrific ones at that.

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